Thursday, November 22

Yee Seng Seafood Restaurant, Matang, Taiping

Steam Prawn
Yee Seng Seafood, Matang, Taiping, Perak, near Kuata Sepetang has excellent seafoods and this famous restaurant situated on here.
All you can taste is the freshness of the seafood with super cheap price.

Thursday, November 8

FOOD: Best Puchong Yong Tau Fu @ Serdang, Seri Kembangan ??!

Puchong is so famous of Yong Tau Fu until you can found restaurant "Puchong Yong Tau Fu" everywhere and I suppose they are all not the "genuine" Puchong Yong Tau Fu, even the boss are not come from Puchong I guess.

So what? Takkan I fly to Puchong everytime to eat PUCHONG Yong Tau Fu and who sure that the Puchong Yong Tau Fu in PUCHONG are made by PUCHONGian. Its not the matter of the "genuinity" of the food, I only concern about the taste of the food.


家附近开了一家又一家的cafe 疫情前这区还是鸟偶尔生一两颗蛋的地方 解放后 都有探不完的店,还有一家超大的商场,爽! 这不几周连着去68家cafe,餐厅,运动,按摩后。。。 还是一样空虚 越想越不对劲 weekday上班已经耗费了全部精力 把弹簧压到最紧、最底 周末报复性享乐,...