Rendang Chicken |
This is the 1st dishes i would like to recommend to you, the rendang chicken.
I love the thick gravy and it was amazing. Its great to eat with rice.
Rendang Chicken |
RM4.80 Loh Mai Kai in a PAO |
家附近开了一家又一家的cafe 疫情前这区还是鸟偶尔生一两颗蛋的地方 解放后 都有探不完的店,还有一家超大的商场,爽! 这不几周连着去68家cafe,餐厅,运动,按摩后。。。 还是一样空虚 越想越不对劲 weekday上班已经耗费了全部精力 把弹簧压到最紧、最底 周末报复性享乐,...